She was scammed out of 4 grand from a dog breeder and now she’s keeping it from her friends because she’s embarrassed.… MORE

She was scammed out of 4 grand from a dog breeder and now she’s keeping it from her friends because she’s embarrassed.… MORE
He was so embarrassed about the state of his home, he lied to the cleaners about it!… MORE
She’s embarrassed about the size of her sister’s boobs!… MORE
We have an update from the guy who found out he was adopted through his 23 and Me results but wasn’t sure if he was going to say something to his siblings about it.… MORE
His 23 and me revealed that he’s adopted. His parents have since passed but he’s not sure if he should tell his siblings.… MORE
He hates his wife’s Lego collection and tries to sabotoge them instead of having an honest conversation about them with her.… MORE
She had a dream that her late grandfather told her to check on her tires, she woke up the next morning and found out she DID need to check her tires before heading out.… MORE
Her mother-in-law got the family a puzzle they already have but she didn’t have the heart to tell her, so now she sends pics and vids of the kids playing with the one they already had.… MORE
She’s slowly been giving her husband decaf coffee and he has no idea.… MORE
We have a follow up to the girl who saw her engaged friend making out with someone that wasn’t her fiancé! They had a conversation and now a relationship is over.… MORE