He’s slowly putting together a holiday light show for his house and his family doesn’t know.… MORE

He’s slowly putting together a holiday light show for his house and his family doesn’t know.… MORE
He hooked up with a celeb, signed an NDA, and gave us as much information about it as possible!!… MORE
Her husband wears too much cologne and even though she’s asked him to tone it down, he has not! So she’s taken matters into her own hands.… MORE
We have an update from the woman who found an engagement ring in her boyfriend’s underwear drawer. … MORE
There’s never enough food at his wife’s parents house so he always offers to run errands, but actually just goes to a fast food place to eat.… MORE
She eats toilet paper!… MORE
He eats at hotel restaurants and charges the food to random meals.… MORE
She found an engagement ring in her boyfriend’s underwear drawer 6 months ago and she’s having a hard time still keeping the secret.… MORE
She had Covid last week but is extending her symptoms just to get a little more time off.… MORE
He ruined the sink!… MORE