She embezzled from the work’s lotto pool!… MORE

She embezzled from the work’s lotto pool!… MORE
Her work said money is really tight and nobody is getting raises anytime soon, but she saw something on the printer that said otherwise.… MORE
She’s handing out last year’s candy on Halloween this year.… MORE
He lied to her about why he didn’t want to see her again because he knew he was being shallow.… MORE
He came home early to find his wife biting her toenails.… MORE
She won’t tell anyone how her and her husband met.… MORE
She’s getting married but she doesn’t love him, she loves his money.… MORE
He felt rushed by the listing agent so during the house tour, he left the basement door unlocked. Him and his wife went back to the empty house later that night to check it out by themselves. … MORE
Her boyfriend has no idea she’s slowly changing his appearance to be the 2.0 version of himself.… MORE
She saw her boss with his mistress and now she’s getting special treatment at work.… MORE