The first 15 minutes of your workday are crucial! This is how you can set yourself up for success!… MORE

The first 15 minutes of your workday are crucial! This is how you can set yourself up for success!… MORE
Still hurts… ~ CJ… MORE
You have to see this gender reveal twist to believe it! … MORE
Until the day after the big game is a national holiday for everyone to recover, we need to find ways to cope. According to the New York Post, these are the best six ways to go about it! Strategize: You need to decide whether it’s better to suck it up, or call in…… MORE
Its like this little sweetie is reading my mind… You know we’re so due for another Snow Storm before spring! ~ CJ… MORE
The GRAMMYs just turned Taylor Swift’s controversial acceptance speech into a mantra for women everywhere!… MORE
Woooo!!!… ~ CJ… MORE
Just in time for the big game!… MORE
I’m doing the Dirty Bird! ~ CJ… MORE