You don’t have to be Martha Stewart or a Pinterest expert to find a cute dessert to bring to Easter this weekend! Look how easy these brownies are to make.… MORE

You don’t have to be Martha Stewart or a Pinterest expert to find a cute dessert to bring to Easter this weekend! Look how easy these brownies are to make.… MORE
I’m not sure I could stomach this water slide, but it looks fun!… MORE
Jimmy Fallon turned one of Blake Shelton’s songs into a Gwen Stefani song, and he can’t help but blush!… MORE
You’ll have to forgive my tremendous laughter… You see, I used to be an umpire in high school & to me this is AMAZING! ~ CJ… MORE
GDOT revealed that they are expediting the repairs to I-85 and they expect to have everything re-opened by June 15th, or in less than 10 weeks! Skip ahead to -22:00 to hear it for yourself!… MORE
Was so blessed to be at last night’s ACM’s… The entire show was spectacular!…but Miranda Lambert’s performance of Tin Man was a higher level of awesome!!!… MORE
This little girl is way too adorable. Check our her Frozen makeup tutorial!… MORE
This little girl, Rayna, may have things a little confused, but you have to love her enthusiasm!… MORE
Who remembers the original? This looks next level frightening! LOVE IT!!!… MORE
Apparently if you’re creative, you can see this portrait. Otherwise you just see a black and white checkerboard. It took me a few minutes to spot it, but if you cross your eyes like you’re looking at a “Magic Eye” picture you’ll get it!… MORE