100 percent perfection!!!… MORE

100 percent perfection!!!… MORE
You have to hear this little ventriloquist yodel! (1:30)… MORE
She’s about to find it!… MORE
Sometimes it’s difficult for fans to differentiate between a character and the actor. Now, when your co-worker can’t? That’s hilarious!… MORE
I had no idea he was calling in!…… MORE
This is getting unreal. Check out the damage an underground gas leak has caused to I-20! #BREAKING: I-20 WB SHUT DOWN! HOV lane buckled, witnesses say motorcyclist hit damage and is in hospital. Roadway up about 4-5 feet pic.twitter.com/2UKuVCqniR — Natalie Fultz FOX 5 (@NatalieFFOX5) April 17, 2017 SKYFOX 5 showing road failure on I-20 WB…… MORE
You choose how you want to be pushed off this canyon swing! This. Looks. Terrifying.… MORE
Can we just fast-forward to December?… MORE
And this guy has still got it!!!… MORE
Love to see someone who loves their job as much as this woman!… MORE