Category Archives: Uncategorized

Major Baby News for Lady A!!!

Major Baby News for Lady A!!!

There was some major baby news from Lady Antebellum today! They posted Instagram that both Hillary Scott and Dave Haywood have little ones on the way!   Well, #BabyBellum round 2 is on the way! We’re thrilled to announce the Haywoods are welcoming a girl this December, AND the Tyrrells are expecting in February 2018!! 👶🏼❤️🤰🏻 A post…MORE

IRON MAN Can Sing!

IRON MAN Can Sing!

Singing with Sting…RDJ can do it all! If Robert Downey Jr. was kissing my wife in front me…I’d be jealous of her!MORE

Major Baby News for Lady A!!!

Major Baby News for Lady A!!!

There was some major baby news from Lady Antebellum today! They posted Instagram that both Hillary Scott and Dave Haywood have little ones on the way!     Well, #BabyBellum round 2 is on the way! We’re thrilled to announce the Haywoods are welcoming a girl this December, AND the Tyrrells are expecting in February 2018!! 👶🏼❤️🤰🏻 A…MORE
