His name is Mason Ramsey and he is 11 years old. He has been performing at Walmart and it went viral. He’s now been on Ellen and he just performed at Coachella!… MORE

His name is Mason Ramsey and he is 11 years old. He has been performing at Walmart and it went viral. He’s now been on Ellen and he just performed at Coachella!… MORE
Jaws is one of my favorite movies. I watch it every time it’s on even though I have seen it dozens of times. I love Jason Statham and his new movie is all about The Meg…Check out the trailer…OMG… MORE
I want a baby goat. This video of Brad Paisley getting one is adorable! Dallas … MORE
Dewayne Johnson seems like such a great guy and after watching this video there’s no doubt about it. It must run in the family because his dad seems pretty cool too…Dallas… MORE
Blake Shelton is so darn funny! He and Jimmy Fallon together are a hoot. Watch the video and get a good laugh as they get their palms read..Dallas… MORE
When Burger King says have it your way I guess they really mean it for chocolate lovers! Dallas… MORE
I have donkeys but they are not this small. This little guy is so cute I can’t stand it! Dallas… MORE
I am a kid at heart and still love to color eggs at Easter. Check out the video of The Egg Mazing and see how you can make it easier to color eggs and they still look great! Dallas… MORE
With Muddbuggs and Music coming up I thought I would post a video on how to eat crawfish just in case you don’t know..Dallas… MORE
Wendy Williams missed 21 days of her TV show because she had missed 3 doctors appointments.. As women we can all take her advice and do not ignore signs that you may not be well..Check out her video and get to that doctor’s appointment..Dallas … MORE