When a little girl realized some of her friends at school were being shamed for their lunch debt, so she’s helping out with a lemonade stand.
Amaih Van Hill is a 6-year-old that doesn’t like the idea of anyone going hungry. When she realized her school’s lunch debt was getting a bit out of control she jumped into action. Amaih set up “Lemonade 4 Lunch”. She hits the edge of her driveway every day to tackle that lunch debt one cup of lemonade at a time. Her original goal was $100 dollars, but to Amaih’s surprise she raised $600!
With that kind of success, Amaih paid off her school’s outstanding balance, but she couldn’t just stop there with that kind of success! Amaih thought even bigger to take care of her entire school district’s $23,000 lunch debt. She set up a GoFundMe account and is aiming to pay all that off so all her friends won’t be shamed out of a lunch. So far, Amiah has reached over $4,000!
If you’d like to donate, visit Amaih’s GoFundMe site HERE.