A Letter To My Son Who Starts His Senior Year Today

Dear Wil,

It seems just like yesterday I was counting down the days until you were going to be born and starting today I will be counting down the days until your high school graduation. Where has the time gone I keep asking myself?

Over the years, as you started growing from a toddler into a boy and a boy into a teenager; your compassion and loving heart started to reveal to me what kind of man you were becoming.

Today, I am filled with mixed emotions. On one hand, I am so proud of you because you are a senior and soon will be graduating from High School. But on the other, part of me is sad because I know that you are growing up and soon will be going off to college without me. My little boy isn’t so little anymore, matter of fact you are now my 6 foot very tall little boy (I know you are 18 years old but you will always be my little boy). As you close one chapter of your life and get ready to start a new one, remember I will always be your dad and you will always be my baby. The little boy who stole my heart, who makes me laugh, and who can never be replaced. My love for you is unconditional.

I will always be your number one fan and your loudest cheerleader. And no matter the distance, we are forever father and son.

It will be over before you now it, the last 3 years may have seemed tough and never-ending but they will be in the past soon. Don’t rush your last year at home.

This final year of high school, I challenge you to do something that scares you.

Make an effort to talk to strangers and make conversation with someone outside of your usual group of friends.

Most importantly, remember that high school isn’t everything. You’re going to mess up a few times, and that’s okay. You’ll probably fail a test or disappoint someone, but this time in your life is only temporary.

Throughout this last year, you’re going to experience heartbreak and loss and sometimes things will go terribly wrong for no reason at all. In these moments, it will seem like time is moving excruciatingly slow. You’re going to say, “I cannot wait until I’m out of here,” but don’t rush it, because your senior year will pass quickly.

I love you my sweet adorable son, now go and conquer the world.

I will love you forever and always,
