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Who’s New: Hudson Moore

Age: 26
Hometown: Fort Worth, Texas
Single: “Some Are”
Album: Getaway
Twitter: @HudsonMoore
Influences: Tim McGraw, George Strait, Garth Brooks, Keith Urban, Vince Gill

In Brief: Growing up in Fort Worth, Texas, Hudson Moore could have been considered a triple threat. A self taught singer/songwriter/musician, Hudson released his debut album, Getaway, in June 2016 and co-wrote all 14 songs on the album, including his current single, “Some Are.” With his movie-star good looks [think Ed Burns] and impressive musical skills—he plays 11 instruments on his debut album—Hudson Moore is one to watch as he rises in the ranks of country’s best.

Self Starter

“I started playing music around age 10. My dad had a guitar around the house that I started playing. He’s always played a little bit of guitar, not professionally, but he knew a few chords. I took an interest from watching him. He taught me a few chords and I kind of took it from there. I’ve got to give my dad credit for teaching me C, D, G and A minor. After that it’s a lot of listening to records, learning by ear and YouTube. It’s really just surrounding yourself with musicians that are better than you. I remember my first band, I was a little bit over my head, but you learn by ear—by listening to records. I was pretty much self taught.”

In the Beginning

“I wouldn’t classify myself as a natural singer. I don’t come from a super musical family that were singers in the church. It was quite the opposite. We all love music and like I said, my dad plays a little bit. I’m the first to become a professional musician in the whole family. It was kind of just finding my own way. I was really passionate about it. I kept working at it and over time it just became something I was more comfortable with. I played my first show at 17—it was a solo acoustic show in Fort Worth. I made my first record my sophomore year in college at UT [University of Texas] in Austin. After that I put a band together and started hitting the road around Texas, opening for guys like Pat Green. Just kind of finding my way. That’s where I cut my teeth—in Texas. It’s a training ground. The Texas crowd—they can be tough. They see a lot of live music. If you can win those audiences over, it can really help you.”

Hudson_Moore_Album_CoverDebut Album

[Getaway] is a 14-song album and I got to cover a lot of different ground with the album—different moods, different sentiments, different emotions. That’s something I was really happy about. Sometimes with an EP, you can’t really get a dynamic or get deep with the different variations of songs. This album covers everything that I’ve been through in the past six years—falling in love, heartbreak, good times and bad times. There is going to be something for everybody on this album. I really set out to make this a really authentic album. I hope that people will be moved in someway when they hear it. Whether it lifts their spirits or it’s that song they lean on in a hard time. I’m real proud of it.”

Animal Lover

“Most people would be very surprised to know that I have a pet pig. His name is Charlie. We got him a few years ago. We were under the impression he was a mini-pig. They look adorable and he was adorable. We fed him and fed him and fed him and he’s now pretty large. He stays at our family ranch. He’s fun and people get a kick out of meeting him because not many people these days literally have a pet pig in the family. That always make people scratch their heads.”

Married Man

“I met [my wife] in Fort Worth. She was going to school at TCU [Texas Christian University]. It was funny we actually met at a music venue at one of our shows. We fell in love really quickly. We’ve been together six years now but married for two. She’s my best friend, number one fan. She really has a lot to do with my album and the sound. She’s my sounding board because she’s the perfect example of one of my fans—she’s a 27 year old girl—so if she doesn’t like it I go back to the drawing board. She’s a very creative mind and she loves to be outside too. We are very similar people.”


Photo courtesy HBPR